Ezekiel Elliott suspension hearing concludes without a ruling on Monday

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Oral arguments for hearing in his legal case against the NFL Xavier McKinney Youth Jersey regarding his six-game suspension took place Monday at the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans.Elliott himself did not attend the hearing, but NFLPA lawyer Jeffrey Ke sler made arguments on his behalf against the NFL's attorney, Pratik Shah, in front of a three-judge panel. The NFL was seeking an emergency stay of a lower court ruling that allows Elliott to play while the appeal of his six-game suspension is adjudicated in the courts.The hearing ended without a ruling, and it's not clear just yet when a ruling will come. Judge Edward C. Prado did say it La'el Collins Women Jersey would come as soon as po sible, according to Kate Hairopolous of the . Oral arguments have concluded. No decision i sued today. Kate Hairopoulos (@khairopoulos) Judge Edward C Prado said a decision would be made as soon as po sible. NFL filing a response brief by tomorrow. Kate Hairopoulos (@khairopoulos) During the hearing, judges directed questions to attorneys for both sides, per Hairopolous and NFL.com's Tom Peli sero. Key question from panel to Zeke/NFLPA side: Has any court accepted argument a lawsuit can be filed before arbitrator i sues decision? Tom Peli sero (@TomPeli sero) Key question from panel to NFL side: If not enforcing suspension immediately creates irreparable, why'd they let him play Week 1? Tom Phil Simms Youth Jersey Peli sero (@TomPeli sero) Elrod asked NFL lawyer Pratik Shah how do you satisfy irreparable harm? Judge Prado noted Zeke can't get games back if serves 6 games now. Kate Hairopoulos (@khairopoulos) Judge James Graves: it matters what information was given to the Commi sioner, doesn't it? Kate Hairopoulos (@khairopoulos) The judges questioned if it's normal for NFL proce s not to include investigators' recommendations Kate Hairopoulos (@khairopoulos) Judge Elrod in particular pushed the NFLPA on the i sue of jurisdiction. She questioned why the NFLPA filed suit in Texas of Elliott's underlying appeal to arbitrator Harold Henderson, as well as rather than New York. (Ke sler told the judges that if a bulldozer is coming toward you, "You don't have to wait to be run over" before Eric Dickerson Women Jersey doing something about it.) Judge Graves, meanwhile, questioned the NFL on before filing the suit, while the league was also pushed on the i sue of irreparable harm, with judges noting that it may have undermined its own argument in that case with its actions prior to Week 1.It's unknown at this point if there will be a ruling by Tuesday. The last time that was the case (prior to Week 1), the NFL made an agreement to Kenny Golladay Jersey let Elliott play in the following week's game regardle s of any decision that came later in the week. Per Peli sero, there has been no decision made on how to proceed in a similar situation this time around. Jordyn Brooks Youth Jersey If no court ruling by tomorrow, does NFL let Ezekiel Elliott play Sunday regardle s, like Week 1? No decisions until that decision, I'm told Tom Peli sero (@TomPeli sero) The square off against the this coming Sunday and then take their bye, so there may be an opportunity for the NFL to allow Elliott to play regardle s and then get more clarity on the situation during the team's week off. You can listen to oral arguments below.
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